Several improvements within the Dashboard module (added permissions, maintenance, etc.)
Implemented Drag & Drop functionality within the Report Builder
Added a new mechanism to preserve the columns layout within the FinBoard
Gross Profit module: added several improvements:
New Export to Excel mechanism.
Added a control to hide or show rows and columns totals.
Added a button to expand or collapse all rows and columns at once.
General Ledger module: added a new mechanism to split the contents of the details tab into columns.
Finboard (Report Viewer & Writer): added new report searching mechanism.
Custom Queries editor: added 3 automatic parameters. For those modules where Start Date, End Date or SiteId filters are available, those parameters will be passed to the Sql scripts automatically.
Added access to the new Customer Portal from the main window (top-right corner)
General Ledger: Replaced Check# with Control# when the Check# is null.
General Ledger: Resolved issue with calculation of the Final Amount field.
General Ledger: Fixes occasional error generate while splitting columns.
Gross Profit: Enhanced logic to handle Progress Billings invoices.
Gross Profit: Improved the initial summary loading mechanism so it can complete its cycle faster in large datasets.
Logic Extender: Added this module to the Permissions Control mechanism so users other than SYSADM can access it.
Added a new Manufacturing Gross Profit Module
Added Logic Extender to the Manufacturing Gross Profit Module.
Added an "Administrator" role in the permissions module so a user can "ACT as Sysadm" without having to know the Sysadm Password.
Redesigned the Logic Extender eliminating the need to define the "Lookup Columns"
Added a new "Context Menu" to all the grids (right-click) bringing a lot of new functionality to the grids.
Added a mechanism to define Conditional Formatting to all grids. This is available from the new Grid's Context Menu.
Added a new "Quick Dashboards" functionality to all grids. This is available from the new Grid's Context Menu. Note: at the moment this is available as trial mode.
Improved sorting and exporting to Excel mechanism within the Gross Profit module