
Enhancements in Version v17.09

  • Added the ability to temporarily override the “Keep Emails Open for Final Review” within the Customer Statement module. In high volume environments, it can be practical to set “Keep Emails Open for Final Review = False” (under settings) to avoid having to manually press send on each email. Now a user can change that behavior during the duration of the working session directly from the Invoice window without having to go under Admin\Settings.
  • Added Site Id and RDL Subfolder control (using a User Customizable Field or Logic Extender, not ) within the Customer Order Acknowledgments module.
  • Added Post Processor to allow writing back to the database.
  • Added support for Add-Ons
  • Added a new auxiliary field called TempEmailSentTimeStamp that can be used to add a timestamp to record when a statement is sent to a given customer. Contact BMS365 for additional details.