
Enhancements in Version v17.02

  • Application log: this is a mechanism for monitoring the tasks performed by the Paperless app and also for troubleshooting
  • Sorting by any column contained in the main grids within Invoices and Purchase Order Modules
  • Added new filtering capabilities within PO Acknowledgement module
  • Added new filtering capabilities within Travellers module
    Note: the report template prior to version 17.02 does not recognize the Sub Id parameter, but the new template does. To get the new default template manually delete the existing one, close and re-launch the app. A new template will be added automatically.
  • Fixed Currency Symbol within Invoice, PO Acknowledgement, CO Acknowledgement, Customer Statement, Payment Notification modules for currencies other than dollar ($).
  • Improved visible name of email attachments.
  • Enhanced support for html within text for email's body.
  • Added new mechanism for adding Document References in Visual within Invoices and PO Acknowledgement modules.
  • Added the ability to temporarily override the “Keep Emails Open for Final Review” within the Invoice module. In high volume environments, it can be practical to set “Keep Emails Open for Final Review = False” (under settings) to avoid having to manually press send on each email. Now a user can change that behavior during the duration of the working session directly from the Invoice window without having to go under Admin\Settings.
  • Custom algorithm / utilities: now the Paperless app is able to handle 100% custom modules to fulfill very specific needs within the same standard app.