
Report Templates

The application comes with a default SSRS report template for each module. Templates can be modified using the Report Builder tool freely distributed by Microsoft.
All reports templates must be stored in the RDL files subfolder within the main folder where the app is running from. See enhancements implemented in version 24.8
Note: on version v17.4 the Paperless was upgraded to handle SSRS created with Report Builder 2016. All default report templates were upgraded.

Enhanced RDL File Path Handling implemented in Version 24.8 (invoicing module)

There is updated functionality that provides greater flexibility and reliability when locating RDL (Report Definition Language) files for the report templates. Here's what the new mechanism allows:
  • Direct Use of Full Paths: Users can now specify the complete path to an RDL file, and the application will use it directly.
  • Flexible File Location: The application can handle both a direct file path and a combination of subfolder and file name to locate the RDL file.
  • Improved Path Resolution: The application intelligently determines the correct file path, ensuring it uses the most accurate location available.
With this enhancement, The BMS-Paperless app  ensures that the correct RDL file is always used, whether it's specified by a full path or a file name within a subfolder, improving overall efficiency and flexibility.